Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl


Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl thhe funomania

Step 1:

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 1 the funomania

Step 2:

Select foreground color black and press alt + backspace

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 2

Step 3:

Go to Filter -> Render -> Lens flare
place it anywhere you want but for now i recommend to use mine

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 3 the funomania

Step 4:

Go to filter -> sketch -> Chrome set the detail to 15 and smoothness to 0

Step 5:

Press Ctrl + U and tick colorize and choose whatever color you want.

Step 6:

Duplicate the later 5 times

Step 7:

select the topmost layer and press CTRL + SHIFT + X to bring up liquifiy
Select the twirl clockwise tool in liquify © and mess that shit
also, avoid hitting the edges.
Set the mode of the layer to lighten

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 7 the funomania

Step 8:

select the layer below the topmost layer and
Go to distort -> wave then apply the settings:
then set the mode again to lighten

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 8 the funomania

Step 9:

Select 3rd from the top layer
go to distort -> twirl and set it to 360
then set the layer mode to lighten
Then select the layer below it and apply the same settings but this time instead of 360, make it -360 then change the layer mode to lighten

Step 10:

select the second from the bottom layer and add a RIPPLE distortion. set it to 300% and change the layer mode to lighten.

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl step 10

Design Tutorial Central - Creating An Electric Swirl final the funomania

And there you have it :) Made in less than 5 mins.
hope you learned something here.
Here are some more examples:

Video Tutorial: