What is hybrid insurance?

 There is also a hybrid type of insurance that combines the features of non-payment type insurance and savings type insurance.

For example, one of them is an insurance that adds medical insurance for children to educational endowment insurance, which is a savings-type insurance. You can receive a maturity benefit at the end of the policy period, a surrender refund at the time of cancellation, and a benefit if your child is hospitalized due to injury or illness during the contract period.
In addition, there is insurance that combines an annuity insurance with savings and a medical rider. This is also characterized by the fact that you can receive an annuity after the payment period expires or a surrender refund at the time of cancellation, and a benefit will be paid if you are hospitalized due to injury or illness during the contract period.

Choose the type of insurance that suits your needs

Non-receipt-type insurance offers generous coverage while keeping insurance premiums low, while savings-type insurance offers the ability to prepare funds for life events while preparing for risks.
Please understand that which one you should join depends on the policyholder's purpose for joining the insurance. Think about what you need and choose the insurance that suits you best.