Islam - The Glorious Religion - Azaan (CALL TO PRAYER)

Q 1: What is Azaan?
A. A particular proclamation to call Muslims to mosque for offering prayer is called Azaan.

Q 2: Are there some specified words of Azzan?
A. Yes, there are specified words of Azaan i.e.

Al-Laahu Akbar. Al-Laahu Akbar.
Al-Laahu Akbar. Al-Laahu Akbar.
Ash-hadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laah.
Ash-hadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laah.
Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah.
Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah.
Haiey-ya 'Alas-Salaah.
Haiey-ya 'Alas-Salaah.
Haiey-ya 'Alal Falaah.
Haiey-ya 'Alal Falaah.
Al-Laahu Akbar.
Al-Laahu Akbar.
Laa Ilaaha Illal Laah.
Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. I bear witness that there is no god save Allah. I bear witness that there is no god save Allah. I bear witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Come to offer prayer. Come to offer prayer. Come to gain salvation. Come to gain salvation. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. There is none worthy of worship excepting Allah.

Q 3: Are the same words repeated in every Azaan?
A. Yes, in every Azaan the same words are proclaimed except for Fajr Azaan in which these words "Assalaatu Khaierum Minan Naum" (prayer is better than sleep) are uttered twice after "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah".

Q 4: How should one make Azaan?
A. Believer who intends to make Azaan (call to prayer) should stand, in the state of ablution, on a high or elevated place outside the precinct of mosque facing the Qibla with his index fingers in his ears and loudly utter the words of Azaan at ease. While saying "Haie-ya ' Alas-Salaah" turn his face towards the right side and while saying "Haie-ya 'Alal-Falaa" turn the face towards the left.

Q 5: What is he called who proclaims Azaan? 
A. He who makes Azaan is called Mu'azzin.

Q 6: What should one do on hearing Azaan?
A. Hearing Azaan, one should abandon every work even recitation of the Holy Qur-aan, if reciting at the moment. He should listen to it attentively and respond to. Remaining busy in talks ignoring Azaan may cause one to meet bad end (death).

Q 7: What should one say in response to Azaan?
A. Believer should repeat the words of Mu'azzin but in response to "Haie-ya 'Alas-Salaah" and "Haie-ya 'Alal-Falaa" he should say "Laa Haula wa-Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah" (there is no might and power but in Allah who helps (us) avoid sins and do good).

Q 8: What should a believer do on hearing the blessed name of Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) in Azaan?
A. Believer must invoke Allah's blessings (recite Durood Sharif) on him when Mu'azzin utters "Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah" and better to say "Qurratu 'Aienee Beka Yaa Rasoolal Laah. Alla-humma Matte'nee Bissam'i wal-Basar"(O' the Messenger of Allah! you are the delight of my eyes. 0' Allah! bless my hearing and sight faculties) while kissing his thumbs and then touching them with his eyes.

Q 9: What should be recited on hearing "As-Salaatu Khaierum Minan Naum" (prayer is better than sleep)?
A. Say "Sadaqta wa-Bararta wa-Bil-haqi Nataqt" (You have spoken the truth and done a good deed).

Q 10: Which Du'aa (supplication) is made after Azaan?
A. Recite Durood Sharif(invoke Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) followed by this Du'aa:
Allaa-humma Rabba Haazihid-Da'watit-Taaammati was-Salaatil Qaa-imati Aati Saiey-yidinaa Muhammada nil-Waseelata wal-Fadeelata wad-Darajatar Rafee'ata wab-As-hu Maqaamam Mahmooda nil-Lazee wa'Attahu waj'alnaa Shafaa'atehee Yaumal Qi-yaamah. Innaka Laa Tukhliful-Mee'aad.
O' Allah! The Sovereign Lord of the ever-establishing prayer and of this perfect call, grant our leader Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) "Al-Waseelah" (the loftiest position of
intercession) and "Al-Fadeela" (the singular Fee excellence), and the highest rank and elevate him to "Maqaam-e-Mahmood" (an exclusively praise-worthy primacy reserved only for the Holy Prophet) and bless us with his intercession on the Doomsday. Undoubtedly, You do not do anything against Your promise.